Sunday, 9 November 2008

Success and shoe love

I will save the dress I found as a surprise for you lovely readers on the day I go to the party. However, I just cannot contain my excitement and the quite disturbing lust I am feeling for these shoes I just got. I saw them in the Summer, tried them on and loved them. Even Alan, who is not known for his affection for my footwear (in fact he thinks 2 pairs would be quite enough) admitted they were a pretty sexy pair of shoes. I just couldn't justify the £60 price tag - so when I saw them for £30 today I nearly wet myself with joy and, had I not been wearing 4 inch stilletto boots, I would have run to the cash point to pay for them. precious


Jules said...

They are gorgeous. where are they from?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to say they are from Brantano.